Meet the faces behind the Ontario produce on your plate! Each year thousands of migrant farm workers make their way to Ontario to work on fruit and vegetable farms around the province. While for many of them this experience is relatively new, some workers have been returning to Ontario farms for over 20 years! From trumpet players to carpenters, they all have a unique story to share. Click the profiles below to learn more about the women and men who play such an important role on our farms.
Meet Brussels Sprouts Grower, Dave
Our farm grows a variety of vegetables alongside grain, with our main crops being Brussels sprouts, peas, sweet corn, green beans, and peppers. Right now, we're standing in front of our pepper field, which is primarily for export to the U.S. The rest of our vegetables are processed here in Ontario.
Meet Daniel, Seasonal Agricultural from Mexico
My name is Daniel Guzman, and I’m originally from Puebla, Mexico. I’ve been coming to Canada to work on this farm for over 10 years now, growing peppers and Brussels sprouts. Back in Mexico, I own a small farm where we grow crops like broccoli, onions, cilantro, and corn, and I also raise some beef cattle.
Meet Carlos, Seasonal Agricultural Worker from Mexico
My name is Carlos, and I’m from the state of Puebla, Mexico. I’ve been working at this farm for nearly nine seasons now, where we harvest Brussels sprouts starting in September. This job has provided a great opportunity for me and many others. The work we do here allows us to support our families back home in Mexico.
Meet Ricardo, Seasonal Agricultural Worker from Jamaica
My name is Ricardo Cole and I am from Jamaica. I have been coming here for seven years. The program was introduced to us by our MP back in Jamaica so I decided to take the trip. Back home, I was working at the Appleton Estate. Appleton Estates does cane sugar and rum. The program gave me the opportunity to make some money for my family and put some food on the table.
Meet Isaías, Seasonal Agricultural Worker from Mexico
My name is Isaías López Padilla and I come from Tamaulipas, in the State of Tamaulipas, Mexico. I have been coming to Canada for seven years and I have been with this company for five. At this farm, I started by cutting asparagus, and now I am a bus driver. I participate in the packing of asparagus, in the packing of peppers, drive the bus and sometimes handle the needs that everyone has at their bunkhouses.
Meet Benito, Seasonal Agricultural Worker from Mexico
My name is Benito Camaño Rodríguez, and I come from the state of Morelos, Mexico. I have been coming to Canada for three years including this year. In Mexico, I also work in agriculture, including corn harvesting and planting, oat planting and cutting. When there is no work in agriculture, I do construction. Over there, we still use horses for planting, also with a yoke. We go behind with what they call a "poa" to plant every step, 3 to 4 kernels manually.
Meet Uvaldo, Seasonal Agricultural Worker from Mexico
My name is Uvaldo Espinoza Muñoz. I come from Baja California Sur, where I was born. I am currently living here in Ontario, at the Sandy Shores farm. I have been coming to Canada for ten years now. Five of those years here at the Sandy Shores farm. I decided to come to Canada to work for… for my family, to give them... to try to give them a better life.
Meet Willie, Seasonal Agricultural Worker from Jamaica
I’m Wilfred (Willie) Leslie and I’ve from Westmoreland, Jamaica. I’ve been coming here for 38 years. My wife’s name is Lillie. I talk to her every day. We’ve been married for 24 years. We have two children – one is working and one is just going to school. Back home, I did a little bit of farming; some sugar cane, some yams and banana but it wasn’t moving all that fast.
Meet Roy, Seasonal Agricultural Worker from Jamaica
I’m Roy Campbell and I’m from Montego Bay. I’ve been travelling here since 1985, always on the same farm. I decided to come to Canada because of my family. It brings in more funds for me with six kids. This is a big part of my livelihood. It helped me afford for them to go to school. My wife Glorene is a great person. She gives me strength.
Meet Phillip, Seasonal Agricultural Worker from Jamaica
My name is Phillip Robinson and I’ve been coming to Canada since 1998. I’ve been on this farm since 2004. Our job is to prune trees, pick lavender and help with the gardening of all of the plants and flowers, stuff like that. Back home, I do a little farming and grow a little coffee in the Blue Mountain area. I’m from the Blue Mountain area.
Meet Evon, Seasonal Agricultural Worker from Jamaica
I’m Evon Tomlin and I’m from Manchester, Jamaica. I’ve been coming to Canada since 1990. The reason I am here is to help take care of my family back home, to take care of my mother and my other family. I have four great children. When I was younger, I always saw my uncle coming to Canada to work on farms. I asked him how I could do the same thing and he finally put me onto it.
Meet Raezlle, Project Administrator, The Neighbourhood Organization
I am Filipino and came to Canada as a student and studied International Business Management at Niagara College. The Neighbourhood Organization (TNO) had advertised a legal workshop for the Filipino community and that’s the first time I heard about the work they do. The TNO supports newcomers to Canada, including seasonal agricultural workers and others working in retail, construction and food service, in many ways.