My name is Humberto Castellano and I have been coming to Canada from Mexico for 12 years. I have worked here at this farm for seven years. Today my job is to bring in the fruit, check the fruit and also to help my co-workers pick.
In Canada, I work on two farms. I come from a Christmas tree farm, where I work for two months. After I finish there I come here to work with strawberries for three or four months and then I return for the Christmas tree harvest.
I come to Canada so we can live a little better, so my family has a little more food, clothing, to overall live better.
When I return to Mexico, I spend time with my family. I try to spend the majority of my time with them as long as possible because it is short, the time that I am in Guadalajara.
My fondest memories are playing games with my kids. I love the pictures of my family that I look at when I am here. I look at the videos that they send me. The good thing is that I can communicate more with them by video call and those are the most beautiful memories that I have. Every time that I see my family through the phone or when I go back, they are always smiling. They are glad when I am back home and can spend more time with me.
This program has helped many Mexican people to live better. Canada is a beautiful country.